SEA HAWK, No. 101
With her mizzen furled to ease her helm, the Concordia 41 SEA HAWK drives to windward. Photo by Norman Fortier.
Concordia Yawl #101 (41'0"). Built in 1965 by Abeking and Rasmussen (#6191).
Current Status:
Active - Owned by John B. Harlow
Ownership Log: Purchased, Name of Boat, Owner, Port
1965, Bequia, H. Addison Taylor, South Dartmouth, MA
1969, Sea Hawk, Rose Dolan, Newport, RI
1981, Christina, Geoffrey Winters, Greenwich, CT
1989, Sea Hawk, Reginald Butler, Marblehead, MA
N/A, Sea Hawk, Roger Kirby, Brooksville, ME
2023, Sea Hawk, John B. Harlow, N/A
If the information on this yacht is inaccurate or incomplete, please contact us.