Concordia Yawl #98 (41'0"). Built in 1964 by Abeking and Rasmussen (#6089).
Current Status:
Active - Owned by Ronald & Kenneth Shapiro, Round Pond, ME. YACHT FOR SALE LISTING (2023)
Ownership Log: Purchased, Name of Boat, Owner, Port
1964, Madrigal, Robert P. Bass, Jr., Concord, NH
2004, Madrigal, Ronald & Kenneth Shapiro, Round Pond, Maine
If the information on this yacht is inaccurate or incomplete, please contact us.
Yacht History:
Featured in these issues of the Concordian [Incomplete list]:
Concordian #15 - 1993 Spring
Concordian #17 - 1994 Spring
Concordian #23 - 1997 Spring
Concordian #27 - 1999 Spring