Concordia Yawl #81 (39'10"). Built in 1960 by Abeking and Rasmussen (#5579).
Current Status:
Active - Owned by Robert Robert
Ownership Log: Purchased, Name of Boat, Owner, Port
1960, Kypris, Joseph Mattison, Jr., Wianno, MA
1970, Godwit, Edward Myers, Damariscotta, ME
1973, Godwit, Dr. M. F. Pettit, Westbrook, ME
1975, Papillon, Dr. Charles & Phyllis Cloutier, Annapolis, MD
1981, Envolee, Danielle & Claude Engle, Gibson Island, MD
2023, Envolee, Robert Robert, Marina Del Rey, CA
If the information on this yacht is inaccurate or incomplete, please contact us.
Yacht History:
Featured in these issues of the Concordian [Incomplete list]:
Concordian #41 - 2006 Spring